The surname PALUNIN is already a brand, built for nearly 30 years.
Our beginnings date back to 1992, when the first company under the name FERRO was established in Bytom. Even today, stories about stamps bought with the last pennies circulate in anecdotes.
At that time the basis of activity of the PALUNIN family was wholesale and retail trade in metallurgical products, supported by services provided by its own transport. After a few years – under the name TECHNOSPAW – the activity was extended by the sale of welding materials and equipment, as well as production of metal parts.

Izabela and Daniel, February 2017
He (Daniel) in the front line, she (Izabela) in the wire entanglement, fighting for market position, for customers, for reputation. And as it is at the battle front – things were different, what didn’t kill them made them stronger.
Years have passed, signboards and partners have changed, but one thing has remained the same: a unique style of work and honest approach to business. The atmosphere in the PALUNINS’ house has always been as hot as in a blast furnace. Ideas were pouring out of heads like pig iron. Years of hard work, conquering the market for new ventures, thousands of hours spent behind the steering wheel, great passion, which has also led to financial success.

Forever in our hearts